About Martin Byhower

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to save the world and a desire to savor the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
​-E.B. White

​Hi! My name is Martin Byhower, and I divide my time between enjoying and exploring the natural environment and doing what I can, both professionally and personally, to preserve and protect all things wild. I'm a native Californian, where I taught science, restored habitats, worked as an advocate for wildlife, and guided small and large birding groups for decades before my passion for nature brought me to the incredibly rich and diverse central Texas bioregion. When not out birding, photographing nature, and "botanizing", I spend as much time as possible sharing my passions with YOU, helping you create a wildlife friendly garden, helping you find the remarkable avian fauna in this region, or giving presentations to your group, club, or organization. When not doing the preceding, I enjoy chilling with my lovely wife and our dogs and exploring the rich music, dining, museums, parks, and entertainment in Austin and Georgetown TX.

Brief Bio

-Native Plant Retailer and Consultant (TDA License #0735971)
-Professional Birding Guide
-Co-chairman, Sun City Nature Club Bird SIG (Special Interest Group)
-Presenter of Workshops, slideshows, lectures, and more on a variety of topics
-Certified all (4) levels Native Plant Society of Texas Landscaping Workshops
-Texas Master Naturalist
-Lecturer for Lifelong Learners (Senior University) and numerous organizations
-Leadership Council Sun City Recycles
-Award-winning lifelong Science Educator (including California Outstanding Young Educator Award)
-College degrees in biology, geology, and education

-Georgetown resident (Sun City)

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