My Free Bird Walks

Sun City Georgetown Bird walks available to residents and their guests First Thursdays and Third Wednesdays each month.

-Sun City Nature Club Bird walks meet at 8 AM in the LHPP (Legacy Hills Park Pavilion) lot on the first Thursday and third Wednesday of each month. Park at the end of the lot closest to the lake. Casual walking along Berry Creek. Bring binoculars, sunscreen, hat, water, and (optional) field guide or app, and bug repellent. Walks usually end by 10:30. Walks are geared toward birders of any level of ability or experience.

Pflugerville Pfeathered Friends bird walks, second Saturday each month -various locations-open to anyone who registers, see link below

Pflugerville walk update ( Walks open to anyone)

Greetings Pfeathered Pfriends,

I hope you are all having a fantastic week so far! Just as a reminder, we are having our next “Pfeathered Pfriends Birding Nature Walk” on October 12th at 8-10 AM . We have many spots open; we hope you can make it! Information about meeting locations will still be sent after enrollment. Also on the agenda, November’s birding walk registration opens on October 7th at 8 AM. This program will take place on November 9th. Don’t hesitate to reach out for any concerns or questions, happy birding!

Thank you,

 Alyssa Wich

Recreation Program Specialist

Parks and Recreation Department

City of Pflugerville, TX

 Direct: (512)-990-6353

Main: (512)-990-6350