Bird families
-Ducks, geese, and waterfowl
-Quail BN
-Pigeons and doves
-Rails, gallinules and coots
-Limpkin and Cranes
-Stilts, avocets and Plovers
-Gulls, terns, and skimmers
-Anhinga and Cormorants
-Herons, egrets, and bitterns
-Ibises and spoonbills
-Osprey, Hawks, eagles, and kites
-Falcons and caracaras
-Crows and Jays
-Swallows and Martins
-Chickadees, and titmice
-Mockingbirds and Thrashers
-Weavers (house sparrow)
-Finches and Goldfinches
-Yellow-breasted chat
Common to uncommon birds you might see in your yard, neighborhood, or local park:
for a list of all species in Williamson County, see my checklists pages
Birds in order of family, as above; you will likely need to do some scrolling
Seasonality and variations in plumage based on age, sex and season included
Ducks, Geese, Swans

Mallards, the most familiar ducks. Many in public ponds are domesticated and not wild.
Black-bellied Whistling Duck
Black-bellied Whistling Duck
Egyptian Goose

Egyptian Goose
Muscovy Ducks
Wood duck male

Wood duck male
Blue-winged Teal
Northern Shoveler
American Wigeon
Northern pintail
Northern pintail
Green-winged Teal

Green-winged Teal

Ring-necked Duck
Greater Scaup (VERY rare here, see lesser scaup

Lesser Scaup
Bufflehead (male)

Bufflehead (females)
Hooded Merganser-very uncommon
WIld Turkey
Pied-billed Grebe
Pied-billed Grebe

Bobwhite (declining, only in undeveloped areas)

Rock Pigeon (highly variable)

Eurasian Collared-dove (Agricultural areas and HEB Parking lots)

Eurasian Collared-dove (Agricultural areas and HEB Parking lots)

Inca Doves (uncommon)

Common Ground Dove (but very uncommon, mainly in undeveloped areas)

White-winged Dove

Mourning Dove

Greater Roadrunner

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Common Nighthawk

Common Nighthawk

Chimney Swift

Female Black-chinned OR Ruby-throated Hummingbird-extremely difficult to distinguish. IF you see one on a nest, it is a Black-chin; Ruby throats only migrate through.

Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird-migrant only

Male Black-chinned Hummingbird

Male Black-chinned Hummingbird (purple on gorget usually not visible)

Male Rufous Hummingbird-if you see a hummer in winter (and it has ANY brown on it), it is almost certainly this one

Male Rufous Hummingbird-if you see a hummer in winter (and it has ANY brown on it), it is almost certainly this one
Rufous Hummingbird (female, mainly winter)

Common Gallinule

American Coot

Loggerhead Shrikes
Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Cranes


Black-bellied Plover (uncommon migrant in wet areas)

Long-billed Dowitcher

Wilson's Snipe

Spotted Sandpiper (Breeding Plumage)

Spotted Sandpiper (non-Breeding)

Greater Yellowlegs (on right) and Solitary Sandpiper

Greater Yellowlegs

Lesser Yellowlegs (migrant, very similar to Greater Yellowlegs)


Least Sandpipers

Franklin's Gulls
Franklin's Gulls

Franklin's Gull

Ring-billed Gull

Forster's Terns

Double-crested cormorant

Double-crested cormorants

Neotropic Cormorant (very similar to Double-crested)
Neotropic Cormorant (very similar to Double-crested)

Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Snowy Egret

Green Heron

Great Egret

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

White-faced Ibis (uncommon migrant)

American White Pelican

American White Pelican

Black Vulture

Black Vulture

Black Vulture

Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vulture



Sharp-shinned Hawk VERY similar to Cooper's Hawk-both are present but Sharp-shinned is gone in summer

Cooper's Hawk

Cooper's Hawk

Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier

Bald Eagle (always near water bodies)

Mississippi Kite

Mississippi Kite

Broad-winged Hawk (only passes through during migration)

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk (with photo-shopped sky)

Red-tailed Hawk

Eastern Screech Owl (tiny)

Eastern Screech Owl (tiny)

Great-horned Owl-huge, common, "hoot-owl"

Great-horned Owl

Barred Owl-uncommon

Belted Kingfisher male

Belted Kingfisher female

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Red-bellied Woodpecker (inaptly named)

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker (note white back)

Downy Woodpecker

Ladder-backed Woodpecker (male)

Ladder-backed Woodpecker (female)

Northern (yellow-shafted) Flicker

Northern (yellow-shafted) Flicker

Crested Caracara

Crested Caracara

American Kestrel (male)

American Kestrel (female)

Olive-sided Flycatcher (migration only)

Least Flycatcher (mainly during migration)

Least Flycatcher (migrant)

Eastern Phoebe (our only year-round resident flycatcher)

Eastern Phoebe

Eastern Phoebe (our only year-round resident flycatcher)
Say's Phoebe (uncommon, winter)

Great-Crested Flycatcher (migrant)

Great-Crested Flycatcher (migrant)

Western Kingbird (summer)

Western Kingbird (summer)
Eastern Kingbird (migrant)

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (summer)

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (summer)

Loggerhead Shrike (winter)

Blue Jay

Carolina Chickadee

White-eyed Vireo (mostly summer)

White-eyed Vireo (mostly summer)

White-eyed Vireo (mostly summer)

Yellow-throated Vireo (summer)

Yellow-throated Vireo (summer)
Blue-headed Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo (migrant and winter)

Red-eyed Vireo (summer)
Woodhouse's Jay (very uncommon most areas)

American Crow

hybrid Black Crested X /Tufted Titmouse (almost all Williamson County sightings are hybrids)

Purple Martins (Summer)

Purple Martins

Barn Swallow (in flight note forked tail)

Cave Swallow (summer)

Cliff Swallow (summer)
Cliff Swallows (collecting mud for nests)
Tree Swallow (uncommon migrant)

Ruby-crowned Kinglet (common in winter, but red crown rarely displayed)

Ruby-crowned Kinglet (common in winter, but red crown rarely displayed)

Golden-crowned Kinglet (uncommon, winter)

Red-breasted Nuthatch (rare, winter)

Brown Creeper (uncommon, winter)

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (migrant, some in winter)

Canyon Wren (rocky areas)

House Wren (winter)

Carolina Wren: note reddish brown underparts and overall appearance

Carolina Wren: note reddish brown underparts and overall appearance

Bewick's Wren (note white underparts)
Bewick's Wren

Northern Mockingbird; Texas' State Bird!

Eastern Bluebird (male)
Eastern Bluebird (female)

Eastern Bluebird (juveniles)

Hermit Thrush (winter)

Hermit Thrush: note reddish upper tail (winter)

Swainson's Thrush (migrant)

Hermit Thrush (winter)

American Robin (migrant; some all year)

American Robin (migrant; some all year)

Cedar Waxwing (winter and spring(

Cedar Waxwing (winter and spring(

House Sparrow (female)

House Sparrow (male)

House Finch male and female
House Finch (female)

Pine Siskin

Lesser Goldfinch (male)

Lesser Goldfinch (female)

xAmerican Goldfinch (male) winter

American Goldfinch (male) winter

Chipping Sparrow (winter)

Chipping Sparrow

Clay-colored Sparrow (migrant)

Field Sparrow (winter)

Lark Sparrow

Fox Sparrow (winter)

Dark-eyed Junco (male) (winter)

Dark-eyed Junco (male) (winter)
Dark-eyed Junco (female)

White-crowned Sparrow (winter)

Harris's Sparrow (winter)

White-throated Sparrow (winter)

White-throated Sparrow (winter)

White-throated Sparrow (winter)

Lincoln's Sparrow (winter)

Lincoln's Sparrow (winter)

Lincoln's Sparrow (winter)

Vesper Sparrow (winter)

Savanna Sparrow (winter)

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow (winter)

Rufous-crowned Warbler
Rufous-crowned Warbler

Spotted Towhee (winter)

Spotted Towhee (winter)

Baltimore Oriole

Orchard Oriole (male) migrant

Orchard Oriole (female) migrant

Red-winged Blackbird (male)

Red-winged Blackbird (female)

Brown-headed Cowbird (male)

Brown-headed Cowbird (female)

Great-tailed Grackle (male)
Great-tailed Grackle (female)

Red-winged Blackbird (immature male)

Common Grackle (male)

Ovenbird (an uncommon migrant warbler)

Orange-crowned Warbler (migrant and winter)

Orange-crowned Warbler (migrant and winter)

Black-and-white Warbler (migrant and occasionally winter)

Orange-crowned Warbler (winter)

Common Yellowthroat (migrant and occasionally winter)
Nashville Warbler (migrant)
Nashville Warbler (migrant)

Yellow Warbler (male) migrant

Yellow Warbler (male) migrant

Yellow Warbler (female) migrant

Pine Warbler (winter)

Pine Warbler (winter)

Yellow-rumped Warbler (migrant and winter)