Drought tolerant native and adapted landscape plants
Shade trees
Arizona Cypress
Cedar Elm
Oaks; Bur, Chinquapin, Monterrey, Lacey, Texas Live-, and Red
Ornamental trees
Anacacho Orchid
Desert Willow
Mexican Buckeye
Mexican Plum
Prairie Flameleaf Sumac
Texas Mountain Laurel
Texas Persimmon
Texas Redbud
Wafer Ash
Agaves; Whale’s Tongue, Blue agave, Blue Twistleaf, lophantha
Dwarf Palmetto
Elbow Bush
Flame Acanthus
Fragrant Mistflower
Fragrant Sumac
Pale-leaf Yucca
Prickly Pear (transplant local native pads)
Pride of Barbados
Red Yucca
Skeletonleaf Goldeneye
Spanish Dagger Yucca
Texas Green Sage/Cenizo
Texas Kidneywood
Yellowbells/Esperanza/Sangria Esperanza
Autumn Sage
Brazos/Hill Country Penstemon
Cedar Sage
Fall Aster
Flame Acanthus
Four-Nerve Daisy
Fragrant Mistflower
Gregg’s Mistflower
Lindheimer’s Senna
Maximilian Sunflower
Mealy Blue Sage
Orange Zexmenia
Rock Rose
Texas Lantana (use only native species)
Turks Cap
Ground covers
Blackfoot Daisy
Cedar Sedge
Horseherb/Straggler Daisy
Texas Frogfruit
Woolly Stemodia
Ornamental/turf grasses
Buffalo Grass
Deer Muhly
Webberville/Cedar Sedge
Woodland/Texas Sedge